Community Outreach
Music For Life
This vital outreach program partners the Southwest Florida Symphony with its home, ensuring youth and other community members in need have access to the healing benefits of live classical music regardless of their ability to pay. Area non- profit organizations offering aid and social services to Lee County’s underserved may request up to 20 free tickets (subsidized by the Symphony and by our Sustaining Partners) per performance to share with their customers. Contact us to connect us with new community partners!

Area college and university students are encouraged to join us for highly affordable $5 Rush Tickets at the box office one hour before the performance. This Symphony-subsidized opportunity fits nicely into the schedule and budget of every busy college kid who needs some relaxation and inspiration!
Sound Lab
Meet the instruments of the orchestra up close and personal. The Sound Lab is an interactive display of string, brass, woodwind and percussion instruments that provides hands-on experience for young students or adults. The program offers an introduction to instrument families and the role in the orchestra.
For information on the Sound Lab, please contact Robert Van Winkle at [email protected].
The Mission of the Southwest Florida Symphony is to perform outstanding orchestral music for the enrichment, entertainment and education of the broadest possible public. Fulfilling this mission is only possible through the generosity of our supporters. Visit our CONTRIBUTE page to learn more about how your gift can make a difference in the cultural landscape of our community and beyond.